Friday, April 29, 2011

Everyone's Mystery

Everyone’s Mystery
Everyone’s grasping and gripping,
Running and slipping,
To find this thing everyone’s missing.
Some give up, some slip up
While some just breakup.
I just need something substantial,
Something more than essential,
So come on, let’s reach our potential.
Some declare, some prepare
While we’re paralyzed with despair.
It’s rising up all around,
Rising from the great unbound,
Together let’s catch it on the rebound.
Some feel, some reel
While some just try to heal.
Our heads are filled,
Our hearts far from fulfilled,
While our senses are thrilled.
Some cry, some try
While we just sit and comply.
So please, let’s try to rebuild
This thing we all spilled,
For it will never be killed.
We know it’s alive,
So as long as we survive,
let’s try to revive
This thing called love.