Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grace in Imperfection

Perfection. That thing everyone knows is unattainable, yet the bar we all want to reach. In sports we practice for hours to make our motions flawless; in academics we aim for that 4.0. In the church we are called to be Christ-like. We are rewarded for our near-perfect achievements and cover up the things that we are ashamed of. No wonder authenticity amongst communities is so hard to find.

I have always loved being involved in a variety of activities, yet I have always felt inadequate at most of them. I tried to be a leader, but I never fully believed I was one. I tried to be in command, but couldn’t. I tried to be strong, but I never felt I was. I was always striving, but only achieved unrest and defeat.

Slowly I came to the realization that the deepest parts of my heart will always be shameful. That will never change. However, how I look at it can. Life is more than becoming blameless; it is instead realizing that we need God everyday. I realized that to truly appreciate the grace of God, I needed to embrace my imperfections. My imperfections should stand not as a hindrance, but instead as a symbol of the hope I daily find in the cross.

For if I naturally felt secure, brave, and strong; if I naturally trusted, was kind, perfect, and loving would there be a need for God? If I felt all of those things naturally, not only would I be deeply out of place with reality, but I would stop seeking God’s grace daily.

Thank you God that your grace is sufficient for me.

“My power is made perfect in weakness” -2 Corinthians 12:9