t you see the vicious cycle we have placed ourselves in? It's a hard road we walk and one that will guarantee us nothing but heartache, tears, and pain. But
isn't this exactly what Satan wants? Think about it- the best way to take out a valiant knight in a great battle is to cripple him at the knees, make him shake with nerves, and force him to believe that he isn't good enough to fight. Why would Satan need to do any more work if he could just make us believe we are failures? There would be no work to be done because our own fear and self doubt would cause our demise. But here's the truth- you ARE valuable. You have purpose and destiny and a life full of promise. Now this is the truth. There are no substance to those lies. What is truth if it does not breathe life? The truth is that you are beautiful and lovely, wonderful, worthwhile, and irrep
laceable. You are strong, and independent, and completely captivating,
for God wouldn't have created you any other way. Just think about it- why would Satan even try to take you out in the first place if you had nothing to offer? If you posed no threat to him, why would he even attempt to cripple you? Satan poses this attack against women because WE have something to offer. We are valiant knights for God. We can fight and Satan knows this. Satan does everything in his power to cripple us with his lies because if he didn't we would do crazy amazing things against him. But the fact is, lies are just lies, and lies only hold power when we chose to believe them.
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